March 6, 2017 Kelley Reeser, R.D. L.D.N. C.D.E.
Why Does Medicare Pay for Diabetic Shoes?

Diabetic Shoes are paid for by Medicare, but have you ever wondered why? What makes diabetic shoes an essential part of any diabetic healthcare plan?
It’s as simple as saving limbs saves them money… Patients with diabetes have inadequate blood flow to the extremities because of the fluctuation in blood sugar levels. 65% of patients with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nerve damage resulting in impaired sensation in the feet. When you have loss of a protective sensation and aren’t wearing properly fitting shoes sores can develop quickly. Inadequate blood flow inhibits healing. Therefore, sores on the feet are slow to heal and can often lead to amputations.
Properly fitted diabetic shoes are very important in preventing foot injuries. Diabetic shoes are designed to protect feet by combining special features and materials (click here to learn more).
It is also very important that the patient sees a certified shoe fitter who is trained to ensure the patient has properly fitting shoes as the patient often cannot feel areas of their feet that can incur injury with improper fitting shoes.
Dietitians At Home has a certified shoe fitter that will go to your patients’ homes to properly fit them for shoes and show them different styles. Our shoe fitter will also deliver the shoes to the patients’ homes so that they are there when the patient tries them on to confirm a proper fit.
- Who Qualifies? Patients with diabetes.
- How do I refer a patient? Click here for a referral form or fax over your patient profile sheet or face sheet to 312-638-9872.
- Does the patient need a doctor’s order? YES! We will contact the patient’s primary care doctor to see if they believe the footwear is medically necessary. Once the patient’s doctor approves, we schedule the patient.
- How much does Medicare cover? Medicare B and PPO’s cover 80% and a secondary insurance or patient will be billed for the remaining 20%.
A good foot care regimen including proper footwear can reduce diabetic foot amputations by 85%!!!