
A New Year and a New You! Happy New Year 2016!


Do you ever tell yourself that this is “the year”? The year that you will invest in yourself and manage your body the way it desires to be nourished? Life is full of activities that should be enjoyed at every

If you need that extra BOOST of support to get started, inform your doctor that you need to see your registered dietitian today! A registered dietitian can assist you with understanding your body’s needs. Every person has a personal plan of care when it comes to diabetes, however, goals for managing it are shared among the millions of people with diabetes today. You are not alone.

Here is an important checklist to review as we enter the new year. If you have never considered any of the items on the list, or even if you have but want to continue in your successful self-management, the support of a nutrition expert can be so rewarding!

Are these on your resolution list yet?

*Visit with your registered dietitian nutritionist for  diabetes

*Schedule eye and dental exams

*Brush and floss daily

*Check your feet

*Monitor your blood sugar

*Take your medications

*Stop smoking



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